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[ns] [bug] Segmentation violation
[Bug Report]
Category: Other
Package: ns 2.1b6
OS: linux suse 7.0
Environment Variables:
Description of Problem:
When I open wireless2-out.nam and wireless3-out.nam (results of simulating wireless2.tcl and wireless3.tcl from Marc Greis's tutorial) with nam, it provokes segmentation violation.
How Easily Reproducible:
(e.g. every time, intermittent, once only, etc.)
every time
Steps to Reproduce:
(describe the minimal set of steps necessary to trigger the bug)
1. download wireless2.tcl or wireless3.tcl from Marc Greis's tutorial
2. 'ns wireless2.tcl' or 'ns wireless3.tcl'
3. 'nam wireless2-out.nam' or 'ns wireless3-out.nam'
Actual Results:
(describe what the application did after performing the above steps)
It shows message: segmentation violation
Expected Results:
(describe what the application should have done, were the bug not present)
The nam should have opened for showing the simulation result.
Additional Information:
(e.g. URLs to your script, detailed output files, packet trace, etc. if they are big files.)
I think '$ns_ initial_node_pos $node_($i) 20' is the line that provokes this situation. If I delete this line and change '$ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $opt(x) $opt(y)' for '$ns_ namtrace-all $namtrace', the problem disappear but the show the fixes nodes only.