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[ns] Strange behaviour of GPRS module

I have compiled the GPRS module, but I have some problems. First of all,
the code I downloaded didn't even compile, it gave me an error at
line 355 in mac-gprs.h. The compiler didn't accept the declaration:
static Packet * rxQ[][]
so I modified it in this way:
static Packet * rxQ[][SLOTS_PER_FRAME]
and now it compiles. However on my Linux box I get a segmentation fault
when I try to execute the example script (example.tcl). I have also
compiled the code on a FreeBSD machine, and the script runs correctly;
however if I try to redirect the output to a file, in this way:
ns example.tcl > output
the program crashes again with a segmentation fault!  Has anybody
experienced these problems?
Thank you very much.
