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[ns] Some more thoughts about the idle_-flag in the diffserv RED-queueimplementation
After I wrote the last message regarding the bug I made the changes I
suggested in the mail and got some quite acceptable results. The changes
can be found at the end of this mail. But I also had a look at the
sourcecode of red.cc and found out, that they don't drop packets if a
queue was idle before, so they can set idle_ to 0 at the beginning of
enqueue without having to care that the packet might get dropped later.
Here's a part of red.cc:
void REDQueue::enque(Packet* pkt)
if (idle_) {
// A packet that arrives to an idle queue will never
// be dropped.
double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
/* To account for the period when the queue was empty. */
idle_ = 0;
m = int(edp_.ptc * (now - idletime_));
if (qavg >= edp_.th_min && qlen > 1) {
// decide if packet gets dropped
} else {
// packet doesn't get dropped
So packets never get dropped when qlen is 1 so it can't happen that the
idle_ flag is set to 0 but the queue is empty.
I had a look at [Sally Floyd, Van Jacobsen, "Random Early Detection
Gateways for Congestion Avoidance", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,
August 1993] but I couldn't find that behaviour described in there so
maybe it's an improvement made after the paper was written.
To add this behavoiur to dsredq.cc would be no problem for rio_d and
probably also MRED-mode but I'm not sure what to do with the rio_c
MRED-mode because there I can't make a test on virtual_queuelength > 1
before dropping a packet as I also have to pay attention to the virtual
queues with lower drop prec's.
Any comments are welcome!
Best regards,
---- changes to dsred.cc ----
the call to updareREDStateVar at the end of dsREDQueue::enque (added by
xuanc, 12/03/01)
must be removed again
---- changes to dsredq.h ----
class redQueue {
++ //sets idle_ to 0
++ void redQueue::updateIdleFlag(int prec);
---- changes to dsredq.cc ----
++ // void updateIdleFlag(int)
++ // Called by enque() to set idle_ to 0 if a packet was enqueued
++ void redQueue::updateIdleFlag(int prec) {
++ if (mredMode == rio_c) {
++ for (int i = prec; i < numPrec; i++) qParam_[i].idle_ = 0;
++ } else if (mredMode == rio_d) {
++ qParam_[prec].idle_ = 0;
++ } else {
++ qParam_[0].idle_ = 0;
++ }
++ }
// void enque(Packet *pkt, int prec, int ecn)
// Enques a packet associated with one of the precedence levels of
// physical queue.
int redQueue::enque(Packet *pkt, int prec, int ecn) {
int m = 0;
double now, u;
double pa,pb;
if (q_->length() > (qlim-1))
now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
//now determining the avg for that queue
if (mredMode == dropTail) {
if (q_->length() >= qParam_[0].edp_.th_min) {
} else {
} else if (mredMode == rio_c) {
for (int i = prec; i < numPrec; i++) {
m = 0;
if (qParam_[i].idle_) {
!! // qParam_[i].idle_ = 0;
m = int(qParam_[i].edp_.ptc * (now - qParam_[i].idletime_));
calcAvg(i, m+1);
} else if (mredMode == rio_d) {
if (qParam_[prec].idle_) {
!! // qParam_[prec].idle_ = 0;
m = int(qParam_[prec].edp_.ptc * (now - qParam_[prec].idletime_));
calcAvg(prec, m+1);
} else { //wred
if (qParam_[0].idle_) {
!! // qParam_[0].idle_ = 0;
m = int(qParam_[0].edp_.ptc * (now - qParam_[0].idletime_));
calcAvg(0, m+1);
// enqueu packet if we are using ecn
if (ecn) {
//virtually, this new packet is queued in one of the multiple
//thus increasing the length of that virtual queue
//if the avg is greater than the min threshold,
//there can be only two cases.....
if (qParam_[prec].edv_.v_ave > qParam_[prec].edp_.th_min) {
//either the avg is less than the max threshold
if (qParam_[prec].edv_.v_ave <= qParam_[prec].edp_.th_max) {
//in which case determine the probabilty for dropping the packet,
qParam_[prec].edv_.v_prob = (1/qParam_[prec].edp_.max_p_inv) *
(qParam_[prec].edv_.v_ave-qParam_[prec].edp_.th_min) /
pb = qParam_[prec].edv_.v_prob;
pa = pb/(1.0 - qParam_[prec].edv_.count*pb);
//now determining whether to drop the packet or not
u = Random::uniform(0.0, 1.0);
//drop it
if (u <= pa) {
!! if (ecn) {
!! updateIdleFlag(prec); // set idle_ to 0
!! return PKT_MARKED;
!! } else return PKT_EDROPPED;
} else { //if avg queue is greater than max. threshold
qParam_[prec].edv_.count = 0;
!! if (ecn) {
!! updateIdleFlag(prec); // set idle_ to 0
!! return PKT_MARKED;
!! } else return PKT_DROPPED;
qParam_[prec].edv_.count = -1;
// if ecn is on, then the packet has already been enqueued
!! if(ecn) {
!! updateIdleFlag(prec); // set idle_ to 0
!! return PKT_ENQUEUED;
!! }
//if the packet survives the above conditions it
//is finally queued in the underlying queue
//virtually, this new packet is queued in one of the multiple queues,
//thus increasing the length of that virtual queue
++ updateIdleFlag(prec); // set idle_ to 0