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[ns] Validation failed.

Hi there,

I just installed ns-2.1b8 on Sun Solaris and run the ./validate . Many
tests did not pass. I run those tests seperetly and find out that they
have the similar error like the following one.

ns: _o4 cleanupAll sack1: usage: getrc -s node1 [options] [trace file...]

get trace files that match certain criteria related to source, dest or

        -o outfile      write subset trace to output file
        -b              bi-directional, i.e. gather lines
        -d node2        specify destination
        -f flowid       specify flow id
        -e              get event-trace
    while executing
"exec $PERL ../../bin/getrc -s 2 -d 3 all.tr |  $PERL ../../bin/raw2xg -s
0.01 -m 90 -t $file > temp.rands"
    (procedure "_o4" line 3)
    (TestSuite finish line 3)
    invoked from within
"$self finish $testname"
    (procedure "_o4" line 10)
    (TestSuite cleanupAll line 10)
    invoked from within
"_o4 cleanupAll sack1"
Test output differs from reference output
Diagnose with: diff test-output-sack/sack1.test test-output-sack/sack1
Or see URL "http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-problems.html".

Could anyone tell me what the "_o4" means? And what shall I do?

Thanks a lot,

Hao Wang