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Re: [ns] Pcap/BPF network object in NS emulation
The Network/Pcap/Live uses the standard BSD packet capture library and
berkeley packet filter (bpf).
Hence it can capture all types of packets and if not restricted to telnet
or ftp. Please refer to "man tcpdump" for format for filter strings.
all the best,
On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, [iso-8859-1] Lao Yu wrote:
> Hi, NS experts:
> May I know: is the packet filter of
> "Network/Pcap/Live" able to filter only the telnet or
> ftp packet?
> e.g.
> set bpf [new Network/Pcap/Live]
> bpf filter "tcp"
> in the above the filter only captures tcp packet? How
> to set the filter to capture only the telnet or ftp
> packets? Can anybody tell me?
> Thanks
> Best Regards,
> Lao Yu
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