2001 CONSER Retreat on Ns for Education and Wireless Networking

The CONSER project (http://www.isi.edu/conser) is extending ns-2 for networking research and education. We will be holding a one-day workshop at ISI to discuss:

We expect to spend about half of the day on each topic, with plenty of time for discussion.

A complete program will be finalized by the end of July. Our hope is to bring together interested researchers in these areas to present the current state of the art and discuss what is missing and where work is ongoing (or should be on going :-).

We expect to keep the workshop fairly small (~20-30 people) and invited (although if you have suggestions for attendees, please let us know).

The retreat will be at ISI in Marina del Rey, California. For directions to ISI and recommended hotel information, see http://www.isi.edu/about.html for details (at "Maps and Visitor Information").

The retreat is planned for August 27th. This day is the first day of tutorials at SIGCOMM; our hope is that this makes it easy for visitors to double up on travel.

Last modified: Tue Jun 26 15:45:50 2001