This class (TclCommand../Tcl/Tcl.h) provides just the mechanism for ns to export simple commands to the interpreter, that can then be executed within a global context by the interpreter. There are two functions defined in ~ns/ ns-random and ns-version. These two functions are initialized by the function init_misc../ns-2/, defined in ~ns/; init_misc is invoked by Tcl_AppInit../ns-2/ during startup.
% ns-version # get the current version; 2.0a12
When specified an argument, it takes that argument as the seed. If this seed value is 0, the command uses a heuristic seed value; otherwise, it sets the seed for the random number generator to the specified value.
% ns-random # return a random number; 2078917053 % ns-random 0 #set the seed heuristically; 858190129 % ns-random 23786 #set seed to specified value; 23786
Note that, it is generally not advisable to construct top-level commands that are available to the user. We now describe how to define a new command using the example class say_hello. The example defines the command hi, to print the string ``hello world'', followed by any command line arguments specified by the user. For example,
% hi this is ns [ns-version] hello world, this is ns 2.0a12
class say\_hello : public TclCommand { public: say\_hello(); int command(int argc, const char*const* argv); };
say\_hello() : TclCommand("hi") {}The TclCommand constructor sets up "hi" as a global procedure that invokes []TclCommand::dispatch_cmd../ns-2/Tcl.ccTclCommand::dispatch_cmd.
The method is passed two arguments. The first argument, argc, contains the number of actual arguments passed by the user.
The actual arguments passed by the user are passed as an argument vector (argv) and contains the following:
-- argv[0] contains the name of the command (hi).
-- argv[1...(argc - 1)] contains additional arguments specified on the command line by the user.
[]command is invoked by []dispatch_cmd.
#include \<streams.h\> /* because we are using stream I/O / int say_hello::command(int argc, const char*const* argv) { cout \<\< "hello world:"; for (int i = 1; i \< argc; i++) cout \<\< ' ' \<\< argv[i]; cout \<\< '\bs n'; return TCL_OK; }
new say\_hello;
% set ns [new Simulator] # get new instance of simulator; _o1 % $ns now # query simulator for current time; 0 % $ns at \ldots # specify at operations for simulator; \ldots
Tom Henderson 2014-12-17