44.1 Implementation Details

PackMimehttps is an ns object that drives the generation of https traffic. Each PackMimehttps object controls the operation of two types of Applications, a PackMimehttps server Application and a PackMimehttps client Application. Each of these Applications is connected to a TCP Agent (Full-TCP). Note: PackMime-https only supports Full-TCP agents.

Figure: PackMimehttps Architecture. Each PackMimehttps object controls a server and a client cloud. Each cloud can represent multiple client or server Applications. Each Application represents either a single web server or a single web client.
\includegraphics[scale=0.5, angle=270, clip]{packmime.eps}

Each web server or web client cloud is represented by a single ns node that can produce and consume multiple https connections at a time (Figure [*]). For each https connection, PackMimehttps creates (or allocates from the inactive pool, as described below) server and client Applications and their associated TCP Agents. After setting up and starting each connection, PackMimehttps sets a timer to expire when the next new connection should begin. The time between new connections is governed by the connection rate parameter supplied by the user. New connections are started according to the connection arrival times without regard to the completion of previous requests, but a new request between the same client and server pair (as with https 1.1) begins only after the previous request-response pair has been completed.

PackMimehttps handles the re-use of Applications and Agents that have completed their data transfer. There are 5 pools used to maintain Applications and Agents - one pool for inactive TCP Agents and one pool each for active and inactive client and server Applications. The pools for active Applications ensure that all active Applications are destroyed when the simulation is finished. Active TCP Agents do not need to be placed in a pool because each active Application contains a pointer to its associated TCP Agent. New objects are only created when there are no Agents or Applications available in the inactive pools.

Tom Henderson 2014-12-17