8. DOCSIS links

ns-2 contains models for sending Internet traffic over cable modems using the Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) specification: https://www.cablemodem.com. These models directly simulate DOCSIS 1.1 and DOCSIS 2.0 links and can be used to simulate DOCSIS 3.0 links and DOCSIS 3.1 SC-QAM links. Channel bonding for DOCSIS 3.x links is simulated by setting the link rate equal to the aggregate link rate for the bonding group.

DelayTb (Link/DelayTb) models a DOCSIS downstream link (from CMTS to the cable modem). More specifically, it models a single downstream service flow providing service to a single cable modem. It takes the following parameters:

rate_ "Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate": i.e. Token bucket rate (bits/s)
bucket_ "Maximum Traffic Burst": i.e. Token bucket maximum size (bytes)
peakrate_ "Peak Traffic Rate": i.e. Peak rate token generation rate (bits/s)
peakbucket_ Peak rate token bucket maximum rate (bytes): leave at 1522 to model DOCSIS

As per the DOCSIS 3.0/3.1 specifications, DelayTb uses two token buckets for rate shaping that will accumulate tokens according to their parameters. A departing packet gets the peak or normal transmission rate depending on the available tokens. To model DOCSIS 1.1/2.0, set peakrate_ equal to the line rate.

DocsisLink (Link/DocsisLink) models a DOCSIS upstream link (from cable modem to the CMTS). More specifically, it models a single upstream service flow with best effort scheduling service. It takes the following parameters:

mapint_ The MAP interval (seconds); typically 2ms
maxgrant_ The maximum grant size (bytes) per MAP interval
mgvar_ The variability of maximum grant size (0..100: percentage)
rate_ Token generation rate (bits/s)
bucket_ Token bucket maximum size (bytes)
peakrate_ Peak rate token generation rate (bits/s)
peakbucket_ Peak rate token bucket maximum rate (bytes)

DOCSIS's upstream transmission is scheduled at a regular interval called "MAP interval". Before the beginning of each MAP interval, the cable modem receives a grant for how many bytes it can send. This byte count varies as a result of congestion from other users on the shared upstream link; maxgrant_ and mgvar_ are for emulating this congestion. The parameter maxgrant_ is used to cap the average available capacity of the upstream link, and mgvar_ provides a way to simulate the variability of congestion.

The remaining DocsisLink parameters implement the DOCSIS token bucket rate shaping, just like DelayTb.

DocsisLink provides a delay estimate, via the DocsisLink::expectedDelay method, based on the token bucket parameters. It answers "How long will new X bytes take to go through this link?" Some Queue classes that implement AQM algorithms, such as CoDel-Dt and PIE use DocsisLink::expectedDelay, when connected to a DocsisLink, to influence packet drop decisions.

Tom Henderson 2014-12-17