Following is a list of new node APIs that are commonly used in simulation
$ns_ node-config -config-parameter optional-val
This command is used to configure nodes. The different config-parameters
are addressingType, different type of the network stack components,
whether tracing will be turned on or not, mobileIP flag is truned or not,
energy model is being used or not etc. An option -reset maybe used to set
the node configuration to its default state. The default setting of
node-config, i.e if no values are specified, creates a simple node (base
class Node) with flat addressing/routing. For the syntax details see
17.1.1 of this chapter.
$ns_ node optional:node-address
This command creates a node of the type configured by the command
$ns_ node-configure described above. This returns a handle to the
node thus created. The optional argument <node-address> is passed only
incase of creating hierarchical nodes. A node-address is normally a
string denoting the hierarchical address of the node, viz."3.1.1".