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Up: 22.1 Nam Trace format
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The nam trace format defining node state is:
n -t time -a src-addr -s src-id -S state -v shape -c color -i l-color -o color
"n" denotes the node state. Flags "-t" indicates time and "-a" and "-s"
denotes the node address and id. "-S" gives the node state transition.
The possible values:
- UP, DOWN indicates node recovery and failure.
- COLOR indicates node color change. If COLOR is given, a
following -c <color> is expected which gives the new color
value. Also, flag -o is expected so that backtracing can
restore the old color of a node.
- DLABEL indicates addition of label to node. If DLABEL is
given, a following -l <old-label> -L <new-label> is expected that gives
the old-label, if any (for backtracing) and current label. Shape gives
the node shape. The color of a node label can be specified via the
-i flag.
As an example, the line
n -t * -a 4 -s 4 -S UP -v circle -c tan -i tan
defines a node with address and id of 4 that has the shape of a
circle, and color of tan and label-color (-i) of tan.
Next: 22.1.3 Node Marking
Up: 22.1 Nam Trace format
Previous: 22.1.1 Packet Traces