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Next: Session Helper Up: 33.3.1 Object Linkage Previous: 33.3.1 Object Linkage Nodes and Links

The node contains only its node id and the port number for the next agent. A link only contains the values of its bandwidth and delay.

SessionNode instproc init {} {
    \$self instvar id\_ np\_
    set id\_ [Node getid]
    set np\_ 0

SessionSim instproc simplex-link { n1 n2 bw delay type } {
    \$self instvar bw\_ delay\_
    set sid [\$n1 id]
    set did [\$n2 id]

    set bw\_(\$sid:\$did) [expr [string trimright \$bw Mb] * 1000000]
    set delay\_(\$sid:\$did) [expr [string trimright \$delay ms] * 0.001]
