The following commands on the DelayBox class can be accessed from OTcl:
[$ns DelayBox]
Creates a new DelayBox node.
$delaybox add-rule <srcNodeID> <dstNodeID> <delayRV> [<lossRV>] [<linkSpeedRV>]
Add a rule to the rule table, specifying delay, loss rate, and
bottleneck link speed RandomVariables for packets flowing from
srcNode to dstNode. Delay is required, but loss rate and
link speed are optional.
$delaybox list-rules
List all rules in the rule table
$delaybox list-flows
List all flows in the flow table
$delaybox set-asymmetric
Specifies that the delay should be only on the data path rather than
applied to both the data and ACK paths
$delaybox set-delay-file <filename>
Output delays for each flow to filename. Format: srcNode
dstNode fid delay
$delaybox close-delay-file
Closes the file where delays are written
$delaybox set-debug <int>
Set the debugging level
Tom Henderson 2011-11-05