
The model redefines the instance procedure []set-parms../ns-2/dynamics.tclrtModel/Trace::set-parms to operan a trace file, and set events based on that input.

The instance procedure []get-next-event../ns-2/dynamics.tclrtModel/Trace::get-next-event returns the next valid event from the trace file. A valid event is an event that is applicable to one of the links in this object's links_ variable.

The instance procedure []set-trace-events../ns-2/dynamics.tclrtModel/Trace::set-trace-events uses []get-next-event to schedule the next valid event.

The model redefines []set-first-event../ns-2/dynamics.tclrtModel/Trace::set-first-event, []up../ns-2/dynamics.tclrtModel/Trace::up, and []down../ns-2/dynamics.tclrtModel/Trace::down to use []set-trace-events.

Tom Henderson 2011-11-05