This simple example can be run as is (several complex scenarios can be found in
the file ~ns/tcl/ex/simple-plm.tcl).
set packetSize 500 #Packet size (in bytes);
set plm_debug_flag 2 #Debugging output;
set rates "50e3 50e3 50e3 50e3 50e3" #Rate of each layer;
set rates_cum [calc_cum $rates] #Cumulated rate of the layers (mandatory);
set level [llength $rates] #Number of layers (mandatory);
set Queue_sched_ FQ #Scheduling of the queues;
set PP_burst_length 2 #PP burst length (in packets);
set PP_estimation_length 3 #Minimum number of PP required to make an estimate;
Class Scenario0 -superclass PLMTopology
Scenario0 instproc init args {
eval $self next $args
$self instvar ns node
$self build_link 1 2 100ms 256Kb #Build a link;
set addr(1) [$self place_source 1 3] #Set a PLM source;
$self place_receiver 2 $addr(1) 5 1 #Set a PLM receiver;
#set up the multicast routing
DM set PruneTimeout 1000 #A large PruneTimeout value is required;
set mproto DM
set mrthandle [$ns mrtproto $mproto {} ]
set ns [new Simulator -multicast on] #PLM needs multicast routing;
$ns multicast
$ns namtrace-all [open out.nam w] #Nam output;
set scn [new Scenario0 $ns] #Call of the scenario;
$ns at 20 "exit 0"
$ns run
Several variables are introduced in this example. They all need to be set in the
simulation script (there is no default value for these variables). In particular
the two following lines are mandatory and must not be omitted:
set rates_cum [calc_cum $rates]
set level [llength $rates]
We describe now in detail each variable:
- packetSize
- represents the size of the packets in bytes sent by the PLM
- plm_debug_flag
- represents the verbose level of debugging output: from 0 no
output to 3 full output. For plm_debug_flag set to 3 (full output), long
lines output are
generated which is not compatible with nam visualization.
- rates
- is a list specifying
the bandwidth of each layer (this is not the cumulated bandwidth!).
- rates_cum
- is a list specifying the cumulated bandwidth of the
layers: the first element of rates_cum is the bandwidth a layer 1, the
second element of rates_cum is the sum of the bandwidth of layer 1 and
layer 2, etc. The proc calc_cum computes the cumulated rates.
- level
- is the number of layers.
- Queue_sched_
- represents the scheduling of the queues. This is used by the
PLMTopology instproc build_link. PLM requires FQ scheduling or a
- PP_burst_length
- represents the size of the Packet Pair bursts
in packets.
- PP_estimation_length
- represents the minimum number of Packet
Pair required to compute an estimate (see
section 38.3.3).
All the simulations for PLM should be setup using the PLMTopology environment (as
in the example script where we define a PLMTopology superclass called Scenario0). The
user interface is (all the instproc can be found in ~ns/tcl/plm/plm-topo.tcl):
- build_link a b d bw
- creates a duplex link between node
a and b with a delay d and a bandwidth bw. If
either node does not exist, build_link creates it.
- place_source n t
- creates and places a PLM source at node n and
starts it at time t. place_source returns addr which
allows to attach receivers to this source.
- place_receiver n addr C nb
- creates and places a PLM receiver at node
n and attached it to the source which return the address addr. The
check value for this PLM receiver is C. An optional parameter nb
allows to get an instance of the PLM receiver called PLMrcvr($nb). This
instance is only useful to get some specific statistics about this receiver
(mainly the number of packets received or lost).
Tom Henderson