41.10 Commands at a glance
Following are the web cache related commands:
set server [new Http/Server sim s-node]
This creates an instance of an Http server at the specified <s-node>. An
instance of the simulator <sim> needs to be passed as an argument.
set client [new Http/Client sim c-node]
This creates an instance of a Http client at the given <c-node>.
set cache [new Http/Cache sim e-node
This command creates a cache.
set pgp [new PagePool/type-of-pagepool]
This creates a pagepool of the type specified. The different types of pagepool
currently implemented are:
PagePool/Math, PagePool/CompMath, PagePool/ProxyTrace and PagePool/Client.
See section
41.4 for details on Otcl interface for
each type of Pagepool.
$server set-page-generator pgp
$server log handle-to-log-file
The above commands consist of server configuration. First the server is
attached to a central page pool <pgp>. Next it is attached to a log file.
client set-page-generator \<pgp\>
\$client set-interval-generator \<ranvar\>
\$client log \<handle-to-log-file\>
These consist configuration of the Http client. It is attached to a central
page pool <pgp>. Next a random variable <ranvar> is attached to the client
that is used by it (client) to generate intervals between two consecutive
requests. Lastly the client is attached to a log file for logging its events.
$cache log log-file
This is part of cache configuration that allows the cache to log its
events in a log-file.
$client connect cache
$cache connect server
Once the client, cache, and server are configured, they need to be
connected as shown in above commands.
$client start-session cache server
This starts sending request for a random page from the client to the
<server> via <cache>.
Tom Henderson