{\bfseries{}$ns duplex-link $router(1) $router(2) $bw $delay JoBS} # Creates the JoBS link; $ns_ queue-limit $router(1) $router(2) $buff set l [$ns_ get-link $router(1) $router(2)] set q [$l queue] {\bfseries{}$q init-rdcs -1 2 2 2} # Classes 2, 3 and 4 are bound by proportional delay differentiation with a factor of 2; {\bfseries{}$q init-rlcs -1 2 2 2} # Classes 2, 3 and 4 are bound by proportional loss differentiation with a factor of 2; {\bfseries{}$q init-alcs 0.01 -1 -1 -1} # Class 1 is provided with a loss rate bound of 1\%; {\bfseries{}$q init-adcs 0.005 -1 -1 -1} # Class 1 is provided with a delay bound of 5 ms; {\bfseries{}$q init-arcs -1 -1 -1 500000} # Class 4 is provided with a minimumthroughput of 500 Kbps; {\bfseries{}$q link [$l link]} # The link is attached to the queue (required); {\bfseries{}$q trace-file jobstrace} # Trace per-hop, per-class metrics to the file jobstrace; {\bfseries{}$q sampling-period 1} # Reevaluate rate allocation upon each arrival; {\bfseries{}$q id 1}# Assigns an ID of 1 to the JoBS queue; {\bfseries{}$q initialize}# Proceed with the initialization;