Demo nam
Animation in PowerPoint
To pop-up nam within your Powerpoint
presentation follow these steps:
- Download the
windows binary version
of nam and test it (
hint: try the latest version first. If that doesn't work, try older versions
- Copy the nam traceless on your windows
- Run Powerpoint. Highlight the text you want to link to your animation.
- Chose "Slide Show" -> "Action Settings".
- Decide whether your animation will run on "mouse click" or "mouse
- Click on the "Run program" tab.
- Use the "Browse..." button to select the nam
- Now we want to pass the trace file as a parameter, so in the same
box continue typing the full path of the nam
trace file. Click "OK".
- Repeat the above procedure for each animation in your presentation.
- Run Slide Show. Click on a link you created. Ignore any warnings
from Powerpoint about viruses.
- Your nam should
bring you back to Powerpoint.
Last update: Tue Oct 16 11:20:52 PDT 2001
Mail any comments, suggestions to Xuan