NS Educational Module Repository
This page serves as an interface for uploading and downloading NS scripts that may be used for educational purpose, such as demonstrating interesting features of a particular protocol or stressing any other networking issue in the classroom environment. Please follow links given below to go to script uploading page or to search through the contributed scripts' database or to simply browse through the whole database. In order to download a particular script left-click on the filename.
See chapter 38 ("Educational use of ns and nam") of ns-manual for more information about using ns and nam for educational purposes.
- Upload file: This link takes you to the file uploading page where you can submit ns simulation scripts alongwith their nam output, screen shot, pointer to web location that you may have for this script. You would be required to submit a category under which the script should be stored, the NS version your script requires, a brief description of what the script/simulation does and information (if somebody using your script may want to contact you) about the author.
- View scripts in database: This link allows you to either to choose a script by a topic or to directly browse the script inventory where you can parse through all the scripts. You can see each script alongwith its description, ns-version it requires, comments and the category it belongs to, alongwith any other file that may have been submitted with the script (nam output file, webpage for the script, screenshot). You can download the scripts and related files from here.
- Search database: This link takes you to the search page where you can provide a keyword for searching through the database. The search function currently is very basic and we plan to extend it in future to allow more advanced search functions as the script database grows in size.You can download scripts and related files from here as well.
Please note that this page shall be continuously updated as we continue to add features with the (hopeful) growth of the contributed educational module repository with time.Please send all comments/bug-reports for this site to ns-users mailing list given below.
[email protected]