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2024 (19)
An Exploration of Decentralized Moderation on Mastodon. Bono, C.; La Cava, L.; Luceri, L.; and Pierri, F. In 16th ACM Web Science Conference 2024, 2024.
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Anycast Polarization in The Wild. Rizvi, A.; Huang, T.; Esrefoglu, R.; and Heidemann, J. In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference, Virtual Location, March 2024. Springer
Anycast Polarization in The Wild [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
CAREForMe: Contextual Multi-Armed Bandit Recommendation Framework for Mental Health. Yu, S.; Nourzad, N.; Semple, R. J.; Zhao, Y.; Zhou, E.; and Krishnamachari, B. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, of MOBILESoft '24, 2024.
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Deep Dive into NTP Pool's Popularity and Mapping. Moura, G. C. M.; Davids, M.; Schutijser, C.; Hesselman, C.; Heidemann, J.; and Smaragdakis, G. ACM Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems, 8(1): 30. March 2024.
Deep Dive into NTP Pool's Popularity and Mapping [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Detecting Paleoclimate Transitions With Laplacian Eigenmaps of Recurrence Matrices (LERM). James, A.; Emile‐Geay, J.; Malik, N.; and Khider, D. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 39(1): e2023PA004700. January 2024.
Detecting Paleoclimate Transitions With Laplacian Eigenmaps of Recurrence Matrices (LERM) [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract 6 downloads
Digital Wellbeing Redefined: Toward User-Centric Approach for Positive Social Media Engagement. Zhao, Y.; Li, T.; and Sobolev, M. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, of MOBILESoft '24, 2024.
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Do users adopt extremist beliefs from exposure to hate subreddits?. Schmitz, M.; Muric, G.; Hickey, D.; and Burghardt, K. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 14(1): 22. 2024.
Do users adopt extremist beliefs from exposure to hate subreddits? [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Ebb and Flow: Implications of ISP Address Dynamics. Baltra, G.; Song, X.; and Heidemann, J. In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop, Virtual Location, March 2024. Springer
Ebb and Flow: Implications of ISP Address Dynamics [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
Evaluating Deep Learning Recommendation Model Training Scalability with the Dynamic Opera Network. Imes, C.; Rittenbach, A.; Xie, P.; Kang, D. I. D.; Walters, J. P.; and Crago, S. P. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems, of EuroMLSys '24, pages 169–175, New York, NY, USA, 2024. Association for Computing Machinery
Evaluating Deep Learning Recommendation Model Training Scalability with the Dynamic Opera Network [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Independent Functional Testing for Intel Stratix 10. Travis Haroldsen, T. S.; and Osaze Shears, D. G. In GOMACTech-24, 2024. To appear.
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Independent Functional Testing for Intel Stratix 10. Haroldsen, T.; Sung, T.; Shears, O.; Glick, D.; and Danner, J. In Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference, March 2024.
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Misinformation and Polarization around COVID-19 vaccines in France, Germany, and Italy. Nogara, G.; Pierri, F.; Cresci, S.; Luceri, L.; and Giordano, S. 2024.
Misinformation and Polarization around COVID-19 vaccines in France, Germany, and Italy [link]Paper doi link bibtex 7 downloads
Moral Values Underpinning COVID-19 Online Communication Patterns. Jiang, J.; Luceri, L.; and Ferrara, E. arXiv Preprint:, 2024.
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Report from the IAB Workshop on Management Techniques in Encrypted Networks (M-TEN). RFC 9490, January 2024.
Report from the IAB Workshop on Management Techniques in Encrypted Networks (M-TEN) [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
SoK: The Ghost Trilemma. Mukherjee, S.; Ravi, S.; Schmitt, P.; and Raghavan, B. 2024.
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Socio-Linguistic Characteristics of Coordinated Inauthentic Accounts. Burghardt, K.; Rao, A.; Guo, S.; He, Z.; Chochlakis, G.; Sabyasachee, B.; Rojecki, A.; Narayanan, S.; and Lerman, K. In ICWSM, pages (in press), 2024.
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Susceptibility to Unreliable Information Sources: Swift Adoption with Minimal Exposure. Ye, J.; Luceri, L.; Jiang, J.; and Ferrara, E. In Proceedings of The 2024 World Wide Web Conference, 2024.
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Tracking Fringe and Coordinated Activity on Twitter Leading Up To the US Capitol Attack. Suresh, V. P.; Nogara, G.; Cardoso, F.; Cresci, S.; Giordano, S.; and Luceri, L. In Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference of Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2024.
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Unmasking the web of deceit: Uncovering coordinated activity to expose information operations on twitter. Luceri, L.; Pantè, V.; Burghardt, K.; and Ferrara, E. In Proceedings of The 2024 World Wide Web Conference, 2024.
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2023 (251)
" Im not Racist but...": Discovering Bias in the Internal Knowledge of Large Language Models. Salinas, A.; Penafiel, L.; McCormack, R.; and Morstatter, F. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08780. 2023.
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#RoeOverturned: Twitter Dataset on the Abortion Rights Controversy. Chang, R.; Rao, A.; Zhong, Q.; Wojcieszak, M.; and Lerman, K. CoRR, abs/2302.01439. 2023.
#RoeOverturned: Twitter Dataset on the Abortion Rights Controversy [link]Paper doi link bibtex 11 downloads
A Critical View of Vision-Based Long-Term Dynamics Prediction Under Environment Misalignment. Xie, H.; Zhu, J.; Khayatkhoei, M.; Li, J.; Hussein, M. E.; and Abdalmageed, W. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, volume 202, pages 38258–38271, July 2023. PMLR
A Critical View of Vision-Based Long-Term Dynamics Prediction Under Environment Misalignment [pdf] paper A Critical View of Vision-Based Long-Term Dynamics Prediction Under Environment Misalignment [link] link link bibtex
A Data Fusion Framework for Multi-Domain Morality Learning. Guo, S.; Mokhberian, N.; and Lerman, K. CoRR, abs/2304.02144. 2023.
A Data Fusion Framework for Multi-Domain Morality Learning [link]Paper doi link bibtex 5 downloads
A Dynamic Residual Learning Approach to Improve Physics-Constrained Neural Network Predictions in Unconventional Reservoirs. Mohd Razak, S.; Cornelio, J.; Cho, Y.; Liu, H.; Vaidya, R.; and Jafarpour, B. In Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show, 2023. OnePetro
A Dynamic Residual Learning Approach to Improve Physics-Constrained Neural Network Predictions in Unconventional Reservoirs [link]Paper link bibtex 3 downloads
A FastMap-Based Framework for Efficiently Computing Top-K Projected Centrality. Li, A.; Stuckey, P.; Koenig, S.; and Thittamaranahalli, S. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD-2023). 2023.
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A Formalism and Approach for Improving Robustness of Large Language Models Using Risk-Adjusted Confidence Scores. Shen, K.; and Kejriwal, M. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.03283. 2023.
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A Framework for Broad Dissemination of Hydrological Models to Non-Expert Users. Schaffhauser, T.; Garijo, D.; Osorio, M.; Bittner, D.; Pierce, S.; Vargas, H.; Disse, M.; and Gil, Y. Computers and Geosciences. 2023.
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A Knowledge Graph-Based Search Engine for Robustly Finding Doctors and Locations in the Healthcare Domain. Kejriwal, M.; Haidarian, H.; Chiu, M.; Xiang, A.; Shrestha, D.; and Javed, F. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05258. 2023.
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A Pilot Evaluation of ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 on Decision Making and Spatial Reasoning. Tang, Z.; and Kejriwal, M. arXiv e-prints,arXiv–2302. 2023.
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A Study of Distance Functions in FastMapSVM for Classifying Seismograms. Sharma, K.; Li, A.; White, M.; and Thittamaranahalli, S. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA-2023). 2023.
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A Theoretically Grounded Question Answering Data Set for Evaluating Machine Common Sense. Santos, H.; Shen, K.; Mulvehill, A. M; Kejriwal, M.; and McGuinness, D. L Data Intelligence,1–29. 2023.
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A structural study of Big Tech firm-switching of inventors in the post-recession era. Sun, Y.; and Kejriwal, M. 2023.
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ACCESS Pegasus: Bringing Workflows to the ACCESS Masses. Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; Alam, M. Z.; Deelman, E.; Miller, T.; Livny, M.; Knuth, S.; Griffioen, J.; Goodhue, J.; Hudak, D.; Ma, J.; Pasquale, A.; and Fein, L. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, of PEARC '23, pages 478–480, New York, NY, USA, 2023. Association for Computing Machinery
ACCESS Pegasus: Bringing Workflows to the ACCESS Masses [link]Paper doi link bibtex
ACQUIRED: A Dataset for Answering Counterfactual Questions In Real-Life Videos. Wu, T.; Dou, Z.; Hu, Q.; Hou, Y.; Chandra, N.; Freedman, M.; Weischedel, R.; and Peng, N. In Bouamor, H.; Pino, J.; and Bali, K., editor(s), Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 11753–11770, Singapore, December 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics
ACQUIRED: A Dataset for Answering Counterfactual Questions In Real-Life Videos [link]Paper doi link bibtex
ALCAP: Alignment-Augmented Music Captioner. He, Z.; Hao, W.; Lu, W. T.; Chen, C.; Lerman, K.; and Song, X. In Bouamor, H.; Pino, J.; and Bali, K., editor(s), Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2023, Singapore, December 6-10, 2023, pages 16501–16512, 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics
ALCAP: Alignment-Augmented Music Captioner [link]Paper doi link bibtex 5 downloads
AVGUST: A Tool for Generating Usage-Based Tests from Videos of App Executions. Talebipour, S.; Park, H.; Baral, K.; Yee, L.; Khan, S. A.; Moran, K.; Brun, Y.; Medvidovic, N.; and Zhao, Y. In Proceedings of the 45th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, of ICSE '23, 2023.
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Active THz Optoelectronics Using Multilayer Graphene: tunable filters, phase modulators, and resonators. Sachin Sharma, Z. C.; and Chatzakis, I. In APS March Meeting Abstracts, volume 2023, of APS Meeting Abstracts, 2023.
Active THz Optoelectronics Using Multilayer Graphene: tunable filters, phase modulators, and resonators [link]Paper link bibtex
Adapting to the Low-Resource Double-Bind: Investigating Low-Compute Methods on Low-Resource African Languages. Leong, C.; Shandilya, H.; Dossou, B. F. P.; Tonja, A. L.; Mathew, J.; Omotayo, A.; Yousuf, O.; Akinjobi, Z.; Emezue, C. C.; Muhammad, S.; Kolawole, S.; Choi, Y.; and Adewumi, T. 2023.
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Affective Polarization in Social Networks. Feldman, D.; Rao, A.; He, Z.; and Lerman, K. CoRR, abs/2310.18553. 2023.
Affective Polarization in Social Networks [link]Paper doi link bibtex 2 downloads
Agile Systems Engineering – Eight Core Aspects. Dove, R.; Lunney, K.; Orosz, M.; and Yokell, M. INCOSE International Symposium, 33(1): 823-837. 2023.
Agile Systems Engineering – Eight Core Aspects [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
An experimental study measuring the generalization of fine-tuned language representation models across commonsense reasoning benchmarks. Shen, K.; and Kejriwal, M. Expert Systems,e13243. 2023.
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Analyzing Norm Violations in Live-Stream Chat. Moon, J.; Lee, D.; Cho, H.; Jin, W.; Park, C.; Kim, M.; May, J.; Pujara, J.; and Park, S. In Bouamor, H.; Pino, J.; and Bali, K., editor(s), Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 852–868, Singapore, December 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics
Analyzing Norm Violations in Live-Stream Chat [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract 3 downloads
Anger Breeds Controversy: Analyzing Controversy and Emotions on Reddit. Chen, K.; He, Z.; Chang, R.; May, J.; and Lerman, K. In Thomson, R.; Al-khateeb, S.; Burger, A.; Park, P. S.; and Pyke, A. A., editor(s), Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling - 16th International Conference, SBP-BRiMS 2023, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, September 20-22, 2023, Proceedings, volume 14161, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 44–53, 2023. Springer
Anger Breeds Controversy: Analyzing Controversy and Emotions on Reddit [link]Paper doi link bibtex 2 downloads
Artificial Intelligence for Industries of the Future - Beyond Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Google. Kejriwal, M. Springer, 2023.
Artificial Intelligence for Industries of the Future - Beyond Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Google [link]Paper doi link bibtex 1 download
Auditing Elon Musk's Impact on Hate Speech and Bots. Hickey, D.; Schmitz, M.; Fessler, D.; Smaldino, P. E.; Muric, G.; and Burghardt, K. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 17(1): 1133-1137. Jun. 2023.
Auditing Elon Musk's Impact on Hate Speech and Bots [link]Paper doi link bibtex
AutoTriggER: Label-Efficient and Robust Named Entity Recognition with Auxiliary Trigger Extraction. Lee, D.; Selvam, R. K.; Sarwar, S. M.; Lin, B. Y.; Morstatter, F.; Pujara, J.; Boschee, E.; Allan, J.; and Ren, X. In European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.
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Automated Formal Equivalency Checking for FPGA Tools. Clark, C. R.; Stuckley, W.; Braswell, N.; Haroldsen, T.; Sung, T.; ; and Shears, O. In Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference, March 2023.
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Automated Formal equivalency checking for FPGA Tools. Christopher Clark, W. S.; Nathan Braswell, T. H.; and Ting-Yean Sung, O. S. In GOMACTech-23, 2023.
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Automated Summarization of Stack Overflow Posts. Kou, B.; Chen, M.; and Zhang, T. 2023. cite arxiv:2305.16680Comment: ICSE 2023
Automated Summarization of Stack Overflow Posts [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
Automatic Semantic Typing of Pet E-commerce Products Using Crowdsourced Reviews: An Experimental Study. Liu, X.; Sun, T.; Fu, D.; Li, Z.; Qian, S.; Meng, R.; and Kejriwal, M. In Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference, pages 151–167, 2023. Springer
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Backside Optical Coupler : A Novel I/O for Mechanically Stable High Efficiency Fiber Coupling. Sunder, S.; Jaiswal, A.; and Jacob, A. In 2023 IEEE 73rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pages 727-731, 2023.
doi link bibtex
Better May Not Be Fairer: A Study on Subgroup Discrepancy in Image Classification. Chiu, M.; Chen, P.; and Ma, X. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pages 4956-4966, October 2023.
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Bitstream Assurance Checking Engine for Undocumented Functionality (BRACE). A. Schmidt, J. W.; and B. Reynwar, T. S. March 2023.
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Blend and Match: Distilling Semantic Search Models with Different Inductive Biases and Model Architectures. Bonab, H.; Joshi, A.; Bhatia, R.; Gandhi, A.; Huddar, V.; Naik, J.; Al-Darabsah, M.; Teo, C. H.; May, J.; Agarwal, T.; and Petricek, V. In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, of WWW '23 Companion, pages 869–877, New York, NY, USA, 2023. Association for Computing Machinery
Blend and Match: Distilling Semantic Search Models with Different Inductive Biases and Model Architectures [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract 3 downloads
Bridging the Gap between Native Text and Translated Text through Adversarial Learning: A Case Study on Cross-Lingual Event Extraction. Yu, P.; May, J.; and Ji, H. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023, pages 754–769, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics
Bridging the Gap between Native Text and Translated Text through Adversarial Learning: A Case Study on Cross-Lingual Event Extraction [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract 5 downloads
Broadening Student Engagement To Build the Next Generation of Cyberinfrastructure Professionals. Murillo, A.; Brower, D.; Hossain, S.; Kee, K.; Mandal, A.; Nabrzyski, J.; Scott, E.; Virdone, N.; Ewing, R.; and Deelman, E. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, of PEARC '23, pages 470–473, New York, NY, USA, 2023. Association for Computing Machinery Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 2127548
Broadening Student Engagement To Build the Next Generation of Cyberinfrastructure Professionals [link]Paper doi link bibtex
. Ilievski, F.; Ma, K.; Oltramari, A.; Wang, P.; and Pujara, J. Building Robust and Explainable AI with Commonsense Knowledge Graphs and Neural Models, pages 178 - 209. IOS Press, Nieuwe Hemweg 6B, 1013 BG Amsterdam, NL, 2023.
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Building Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Graphs from Vectorized Topographic Historical Maps. Shbita, B.; Knoblock, C. A; Duan, W.; Chiang, Y.; Uhl, J. H; and Leyk, S. Semantic Web, 14(3): 527–549. 2023.
Building Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Graphs from Vectorized Topographic Historical Maps [link]Link Building Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Graphs from Vectorized Topographic Historical Maps [pdf]Paper Building Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Graphs from Vectorized Topographic Historical Maps [pdf]Slides link bibtex 27 downloads
Building Upon the EarthCube Community: a geoscience and cyberinfrastructure workshop - Report. Khider, D.; Mike Daniels; and Jarboe, N. Technical Report 2023.
Building Upon the EarthCube Community: a geoscience and cyberinfrastructure workshop - Report [link]Paper link bibtex abstract 7 downloads
CPL-NoViD: Context-Aware Prompt-based Learning for Norm Violation Detection in Online Communities. He, Z.; May, J.; and Lerman, K. CoRR, abs/2305.09846. 2023.
CPL-NoViD: Context-Aware Prompt-based Learning for Norm Violation Detection in Online Communities [link]Paper doi link bibtex 2 downloads
Can Language Models Be Used in Multistep Commonsense Planning Domains?. Tang, Z.; and Kejriwal, M. In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, pages 276–285, 2023. Springer
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Can language representation models think in bets?. Tang, Z.; and Kejriwal, M. Royal Society Open Science, 10(3): 221585. 2023.
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Can the United States Maintain Its Leadership in High-Performance Computing?-A report from the ASCAC Subcommittee on American Competitiveness and Innovation to the ASCR Office. Dongarra, J.; Deelman, E.; Hey, T.; Matsuoka, S.; Sarakar, V.; Bell, G.; Foster, I.; Keyes, D.; and Kranzlmueller, D. e. OSTI. 2023.
doi link bibtex
Capturing Perspectives of Crowdsourced Annotators in Subjective Learning Tasks. Mokhberian, N.; Marmarelis, M. G.; Hopp, F. R.; Basile, V.; Morstatter, F.; and Lerman, K. CoRR, abs/2311.09743. 2023.
Capturing Perspectives of Crowdsourced Annotators in Subjective Learning Tasks [link]Paper doi link bibtex 2 downloads
Challenges in Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation. Jin, L.; He, J.; May, J.; and Ma, X. In Bouamor, H.; Pino, J.; and Bali, K., editor(s), Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 15246–15263, Singapore, December 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics
Challenges in Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract 4 downloads
Changes in Research Collaborations During the Pandemic. Wang, Z.; Ahrabian, K.; Rusti, C.; Pujara, J.; and Lerman, K. In International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, 2023.
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Classifying Seismograms Using the FastMap Algorithm and Support-Vector Machines. White, M.; Sharma, K.; Li, A.; Thittamaranahalli, S.; and Nakata, N. Nature Communications Engineering (NATURE-COMMSENG-2023). 2023.
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Clique Densification in Networks. Pi, H.; Burghardt, K.; Percus, A. G.; and Lerman, K. CoRR, abs/2304.03479. 2023.
Clique Densification in Networks [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Comparison of Knowledge Graph Representations for Consumer Scenarios. Iglesias-Molina, A.; Ahrabian, K.; Ilievski, F.; Pujara, J.; and Corcho, O. In International Semantic Web Conference, 2023.
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Context-Rich Evaluation of Machine Common Sense. Kejriwal, M.; Santos, H.; Shen, K.; Mulvehill, A. M; and McGuinness, D. L In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, pages 167–176, 2023. Springer
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Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge. Deshpande, D.; Sourati, Z.; Ilievski, F.; and Morstatter, F. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.12280. 2023.
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Contextualizing Internet Memes Across Social Media Platforms. Joshi, S.; Ilievski, F.; and Luceri, L. arXiv Preprint:, 2023.
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Continual Dialogue State Tracking via Example-Guided Question Answering. Cho, H.; Madotto, A.; Lin, Z.; Chandu, K.; Kottur, S.; Xu, J.; May, J.; and Sankar, C. In Bouamor, H.; Pino, J.; and Bali, K., editor(s), Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 3873–3886, Singapore, December 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics
Continual Dialogue State Tracking via Example-Guided Question Answering [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract 1 download
Cross-lingual Continual Learning. M'hamdi, M.; Ren, X.; and May, J. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 3908–3943, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics
Cross-lingual Continual Learning [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Data-Driven Template-Free Invariant Generation. Xia, Y.; Deshmukh, J. V.; Raghothaman, M.; and Ravi, S. CoRR, abs/2312.17527. 2023.
Data-Driven Template-Free Invariant Generation [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Database Evolution, by Scientists, for Scientists: A Case Study. Schuler, R.; Singla, J.; Vallat, B.; White, K. L.; Berman, H. M.; and Kesselman, C. In 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on E-Science (e-Science), pages 1–10, Limassol, Cyprus, October 2023. IEEE
doi link bibtex abstract
Deep Learning Recommendation Model Training Co-design with the Dynamic Opera Network. Imes, C.; Rittenbach, A.; Xie, P.; Kang, D. I. D; Walters, J. P.; and Crago, S. P HPEC. 2023.
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Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses. Rizvi, A.; Mirkovic, J.; adn Wes Hardaker, J. H.; and Story, R. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems and Netowrks (COMSNETS), pages to appear, Bengaluru, India, January 2023. IEEE Awarded best paper
Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses [link]Paper link bibtex
Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses. Rizvi, A S M; Mirkovic, J.; Heidemann, J.; Hardaker, W.; and Story, R. In IEEE COMSNETS, 2023.
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Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses (Extended). Rizvi, A.; Mirkovic, J.; Heidemann, J.; Hardaker, W.; and Story, R. Ad Hoc Networks Journal, 151. December 2023.
Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses (Extended) [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Demonstration of optically-assisted reconfigurable average of two 20-Gbaud 4-phase-encoded data channels using nonlinear wave mixing. Minoofar, A.; Karapetyan, N.; Almaiman, A.; Zhou, H.; Song, H.; Zou, K.; Ko, W.; Ramakrishnan, M.; Annavaram, M.; Habif, J. L; and others Optics Letters, 48(17): 4617–4620. 2023.
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Design Considerations for 3D Heterogeneous Integration Driven Analog Processing-in-Pixel for Extreme-Edge Intelligence. Yin, Z.; Datta, G.; Kaiser, M. A.; Beerel, P.; Jacob, A.; and Jaiswal, A. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC), pages 1-5, 2023.
doi link bibtex
Designing Artificial Intelligence for Open Worlds. Kejriwal, M. In 2023 Annual Meeting, 2023. AAAS
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Detecting Anti-vaccine Users on Twitter. Schmitz, M.; Muric, G.; and Burghardt, K. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 17(1): 787-795. Jun. 2023.
Detecting Anti-vaccine Users on Twitter [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Detecting Glaucoma from Fundus Photographs Using Deep Learning without Convolutions: Transformer for Improved Generalization. Fan, R.; Alipour, K.; Bowd, C.; Christopher, M.; Brye, N.; Proudfoot, J.; Goldbaum, M.; Belghith, A.; Girkin, C.; Fazio, M.; Liebmann, J.; Weinreb, R.; Pazzani, M.; Kriegman, D.; and Zangwill, L. , 3(1): 100233. 2023.
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Detecting Semantic Errors in Tables using Textual Evidence. Pham, M.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Chen, M. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), pages 292-303, 2023.
doi link bibtex
Detecting social media manipulation in low-resource languages. Haider, S.; Luceri, L.; Deb, A.; Badawy, A.; Peng, N.; and Ferrara, E. In Companion Proceedings of The 2023 World Wide Web Conference, 2023.
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Detection of laser light scattered from aerosols in a bright background using a balanced coherent receiver. Belzer, H.; Rittenbach, A.; and Habif, J. L. Opt. Continuum, 2(4): 751–757. Apr 2023.
Detection of laser light scattered from aerosols in a bright background using a balanced coherent receiver [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Discovering collective narratives shifts in online discussions. Zhao, W.; Guo, F.; Lerman, K.; and Ahn, Y. CoRR, abs/2307.08541. 2023.
Discovering collective narratives shifts in online discussions [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Distributed Edge Machine Learning Pipeline Scheduling with Reverse Auctions. Imes, C.; King, D. W.; and Walters, J. P. In 2023 Eighth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC), pages 196-203, 2023.
doi link bibtex
Dynamic FastMap: An Efficient Algorithm for Spatiotemporal Embedding of Dynamic Graphs. Thakoor, O.; and Thittamaranahalli, S. Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-2023). 2023.
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. Papadimitriou, G.; Wang, C.; Lyons, E.; Thareja, K.; Ruth, P.; Villalobos, J. J.; Rodero, I.; Deelman, E.; Zink, M.; and Mandal, A. Dynamic Network-Centric Multi-cloud Platform for Real-Time and Data-Intensive Science Workflows, pages 835–868. Darema, F.; Blasch, E. P.; Ravela, S.; and Aved, A. J., editor(s). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1826997
Dynamic Network-Centric Multi-cloud Platform for Real-Time and Data-Intensive Science Workflows [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Dynamic Physics-Guided Deep Learning for Production Forecasting in Unconventional Reservoirs. Mohd Razak, S.; Cornelio, J.; Cho, Y.; Liu, H.; Vaidya, R.; and Jafarpour, B. In SPE Western Regional Meeting, pages D021S004R002, 2023. SPE
Dynamic Physics-Guided Deep Learning for Production Forecasting in Unconventional Reservoirs [link]Paper link bibtex
Dynamic Study of Intercalation/Deintercalation of Ionic Liquids in Multilayer Graphene Using an Alternating Current Raman Spectroscopy Technique. Cai, Z.; Weinstein, H.; Aravind, I.; Li, R.; Weng, S.; Zhang, B.; Habif, J. L; and Cronin, S. B The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14(32): 7223–7228. 2023.
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Dynamic Study of Intercalation/Deintercalation of Ionic Liquids in Multilayer Graphene Using an Alternating Current Raman Spectroscopy Technique. Zhi Cai, H. W.; and Cronin, S. B. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14(32): 7223-7228. Aug 2023.
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NRE-013: The Global Network Advancement Group: A Next Generation System for Data Intensive Sciences. Newman, H.; Balcas, J.; Sirvinskas, R.; Iordache, C.; Bhat, P.; Moya, A.; Uppalapati, S.; Chang, J.; Mughal, A.; Boyd, D.; Williams, D. S.; Wuerthwein, F.; deFanti , T.; Smarr, L.; Graham, J.; Hutton, T.; Mishin, D.; Guiang, J.; Davila, D.; Sfiligoi, I.; Arora, A.; Yang, R.; Yang, R.; Zhang, J.; Yeh, E.; Wu, Y.; Mutlu, V.; Liu, Y.; Shannigrahi, S.; Timilsina, S.; Zhang, L.; Cong, J.; Lo, M.; Song, S.; Gutsche, O.; Demar, P.; Monga, I.; Lehman, C. G. T.; MacAuley, J.; Yang, X.; Balcas, J.; Kiran, M.; Sim, A.; Attenbury, G.; Melo, A.; Martelli, E.; Misa, C.; Ros-Giralt, J.; Martinello, M.; Ribeiro, M. R.; Dominicini, C.; Borges, E.; Guimaraes, R.; Schwarz, M.; Ciuffo, L.; LOUI, F.; Novaes, S.; Iope, R.; Francisco, A. J F; Lemke, N.; Ruggiero, C. A.; de Almeida, J. M.; Baldim, B.; Simionato, P.; Santoro, A.; Revoredo, E.; Rigo, S.; Jabbari, B.; Sobieski, J.; Zhang, L.; Xiang, Q.; Huang, C.; Wen, R.; Wang, Y.; shu , J.; Fox, L.; Bruton, C.; Bellamine, S.; Nguyen, T.; Anderson, C.; Mambretti, J.; Chen, J.; Yeh, F.; Wilkinson, C.; Zekauskas, M.; Todorov, C.; Ibarra, J.; Bezerra, J.; Chergarova, V.; Ulloa, A.; Morgan, H.; Kohlert, S.; Lyonnais, M.; Wilson, R.; Cho, B.; Hussain, M.; Park, C.; Tam, T.; Moura, A.; Sale, K.; Roos, J.; Hoeft, B.; Lee, C.; Pasavento, D.; Zane, C.; Trompert, H.; Hažlinský, M.; McKnight, C.; Ku, L.; Perrig, A.; Kwon, J.; Wirz, F.; Hausheer, D.; Gartner, M.; Pillay, K.; Johnston, B.; Hugo, J.; Diamini, S.; Greaves, D.; Sullivan, P.; Makan, A.; Hay, J.; van Heerden, R. P.; Khwela, T.; Wilde, D.; and Members, G. A. / S. W. 11/2023 2023.
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NRE-013: Turbocharging 100G Link: A High-Speed Data Filling Demo from South Africa to Denver!. Newman, H.; Ibarra, J.; Pillay, K.; Khwela, T.; van Heerden, R. P.; Greaves, D.; Makan, A.; Sullivan, P.; Johnston, B.; Schwarz, M. F.; Dlamini, S.; Hugo, J.; Hay, J.; Bezerra, J.; Ulloa, A.; Morgan, H.; and Chergarova, V. 11/2023 2023.
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NRE-019: AmLight 2.0: Flexible Control, Deep Visibility, and Programmability @ Tbps!. Bezerra, J.; Brito, I. V. D. S.; Arcanjo, V.; Ibarra, J.; Frez, R.; Motitsuki, R.; Morgan, H.; Chergarova, V.; Baldim, B.; Bernardes, M. C.; Ferreira, J. E.; and Newman, H. 11/2023 2023.
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A Physics based MTJ Compact Model for State-of-the-Art and Emerging STT-MRAM Failure Analysis and Yield Enhancement. Gaul, N. S; Jaiswal, A.; Yoon, H.; Lee, T.; Yamane, K.; Versaggi, J.; Carter, R.; and Paul, B. C In 2022 IEEE International Memory Workshop (IMW), pages 1–4, 2022. IEEE
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A Theoretically Grounded Benchmark for Evaluating Machine Commonsense. Santos, H.; Shen, K.; Mulvehill, A. M.; Razeghi, Y.; McGuinness, D. L.; and Kejriwal, M. CoRR, abs/2203.12184. 2022.
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Accepted Tutorials at The Web Conference 2022. Tommasini, R.; Basu Roy, S.; Wang, X.; Wang, H.; Ji, H.; Han, J.; Nakov, P.; Da San Martino, G.; Alam, F.; Schedl, M.; and others In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, pages 391–399, 2022.
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Alzheimer's Disease Detection with a 3D Convolutional Neural Network using Gray Matter Maps from T1-weighted Brain MRI. Dhinagar, N. J; Thomopoulos, S. I; Owens-Walton, C.; Stripelis, D.; Ambite, J. L.; Ver Steeg, G.; and Thompson, P. M Alzheimer's & Dementia, 18: e066446. 2022.
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Alzheimer’s Disease Detection with a 3D Convolutional Neural Network using Gray Matter Maps from T1-weighted Brain MRI. Dhinagar, N. J; Thomopoulos, S. I; Owens-Walton, C.; Stripelis, D.; Ambite, J. L.; Steeg, G. V.; and Thompson, P. M Alzheimer's & Dementia, 18(S5): e066446. 2022.
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Workflow Anomaly Detection with Graph Neural Networks. Jin, H.; Raghavan, K.; Papadimitriou, G.; Wang, C.; Mandal, A.; Krawczuk, P.; Pottier, L.; Kiran, M.; Deelman, E.; and Balaprakash, P. In 2022 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), pages 35-42, 2022. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DE-SC0022328, DE-AC02-06CH11357
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" Stop Asian Hate!": Refining Detection of Anti-Asian Hate Speech During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nghiem, H.; and Morstatter, F. arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.02265. 2021.
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"Don't quote me on that": Finding Mixtures of Sources in News Articles. Spangher, A.; Peng, N.; May, J.; and Ferrara, E. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09656. 2021.
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#Election2020: The First Public Twitter Dataset on the 2020 US Presidential Election. Chen, E.; Deb, A.; and Ferrara, E. Journal of Computational Social Science. 2021.
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#JusticeForGeorgeFloyd: How Instagram Facilitated the 2020 Black Lives Matter Protests. Chang, H. H.; Richardson, A.; and Ferrara, E. . 2021.
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2021 SciTech and Friends Research Symposium. Hayes, C.; Kulkarni, C.; Milman, E. D.; Okunloye, O.; Olshansky, A.; Oruche, R.; Kee, K.; Moreira, P. C. S.; Vardeman, C.; Coleman, T.; Do, T. M. A.; Jain, A.; Krawczuk, P.; Lam, K.; Nagarkar, S.; Papadimitriou, G.; Subramanya, S.; White, R.; Whitcup, W.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; and Deelman, E. May 2021.
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3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Classification of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease with T1-Weighted Brain MRI. Dhinagar, N. J.; Thomopoulos, S. I.; Owens-Walton, C.; Stripelis, D.; Ambite, J. L.; Steeg, G. V.; Weintraub, D.; Cook, P.; McMillan, C.; and Thompson, P. M. In 17th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM), Campinas, Brazil, 2021.
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3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Classification of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease with T1-Weighted Brain MRI. Dhinagar, N. J.; Thomopoulos, S. I.; Owens-Walton, C.; Stripelis, D.; Ambite, J. L.; Ver Steeg, G.; Weintraub, D.; Cook, P.; McMillan, C.; and Thompson, P. M. In International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM), 2021.
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A Case Study in Scientific Reproducibility from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). Ketron, R.; Leonard, J.; Roachell, B.; Patel, R.; White, R.; Caíno-Lores, S.; Tan, N.; Miles, P.; Vahi, K.; Deelman, E.; Brown, D.; and Taufer, M. In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on eScience (eScience), pages 249-250, 2021. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 2041977, 2041901, 2041878
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A Community Roadmap for Scientific Workflows Research and Development. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Casanova, H.; Chard, K.; Altintas, I.; Badia, R. M; Balis, B.; Coleman, T.; Coppens, F.; Di Natale, F.; Enders, B.; Fahringer, T.; Filgueira, R.; Fursin, G.; Garijo, D.; Goble, C.; Howell, D.; Jha, S.; Katz, D. S.; Laney, D.; Leser, U.; Malawski, M.; Mehta, K.; Pottier, L.; Ozik, J.; Peterson, J. L.; Ramakrishnan, L.; Soiland-Reyes, S.; Thain, D.; and Wolf, M. In 2021 IEEE Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), pages 81–90, 2021.
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A Directed, Bi-Populated Preferential Attachment Model with Applications to Analyzing the Glass Ceiling Effect. Nettasinghe, B.; Alipourfard, N.; Krishnamurthy, V.; and Lerman, K. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.12149. 2021.
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A Grounded Approach to Modeling Generic Knowledge Acquisition. Beser, D.; Cecil, J.; Freedman, M.; Lichtefeld, J. A; Marcus, M.; Payne, S. R.; and Yang, C. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, volume 43, 2021.
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A Lightweight GPU Monitoring Extension for Pegasus Kickstart. Papadimitriou, G.; and Deelman, E. In 2021 IEEE/ACM Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), 2021. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DE-SC0012636, NSF 1664162
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A Lightweight Method for Evaluating In Situ Workflow Efficiency. Do, T. M. A.; Pottier, L.; Caíno-Lores, S.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Cuendet, M. A.; Weinstein, H.; Estrada, T.; Taufer, M.; and Deelman, E. Journal of Computational Science, 48: 101259. 2021. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1741040, DOE DE-SC0012636
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A Performance Characterization of Scientific Machine Learning Workflows. Krawczuk, P.; Papadimitriou, G.; Tanaka, R.; Do, T. M. A.; Subramany, S.; Nagarkar, S.; Jain, A.; Lam, K.; Mandal, A.; Pottier, L.; and Deelman, E. In 2021 IEEE/ACM Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), pages 58-65, 2021. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DE-SC0012636, DE-SC0022328, NSF 1664162
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A Roadmap to Robust Science for High-throughput Applications: The Scientists’ Perspective. Taufer, M.; Deelman, E.; da Silva, R. F.; Estrada, T.; and Hall, M. In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on eScience (eScience), pages 247-248, 2021. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 2028881, 2028923, 2028930, 2028955, 2028956
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A Study of the Quality of Wikidata. Shenoy, K.; Ilievski, F.; Garijo, D.; Schwabe, D.; and Szekely, P. Journal of Web Semantics, (Community-based Knowledge Bases). 2021.
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A survey on bias and fairness in machine learning. Mehrabi, N.; Morstatter, F.; Saxena, N.; Lerman, K.; and Galstyan, A. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 54(6): 1–35. 2021.
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ADAM: A Sandbox for Implementing Language Learning. Gabbard, R. D; Beser, D.; Lichtefeld, J.; Cecil, J.; Marcus, M. P.; Payne, S.; Yang, C. D.; and Freedman, M. arXiv Preprint:, may 2021.
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AMPPERE: A Universal Abstract Machine for Privacy-Preserving Entity Resolution Evaluation. Yao, Y.; Ghai, T.; Ravi, S.; and Szekely, P. A. In Demartini, G.; Zuccon, G.; Culpepper, J. S.; Huang, Z.; and Tong, H., editor(s), CIKM '21: The 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Virtual Event, Queensland, Australia, November 1 - 5, 2021, pages 2394–2403, 2021. ACM
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An integrated risk and epidemiological model to estimate risk-stratified COVID-19 outcomes for Los Angeles County: March 1, 2020—March 1, 2021. Horn, A. L; Jiang, L.; Washburn, F.; Hvitfeldt, E.; de la Haye, K.; Nicholas, W.; Simon, P.; Pentz, M.; Cozen, W.; Sood, N.; and others Plos one, 16(6): e0253549. 2021.
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Anomaly Detection in Scientific Workflows using End-to-End Execution Gantt Charts and Convolutional Neural Networks. Krawczuk, P.; Papadimitriou, G.; Nagarkar, S.; Kiran, M.; Mandal, A.; and Deelman, E. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, of PEARC '21, New York, NY, USA, 2021. Association for Computing Machinery Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DESC0012636
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Artificial Intelligence for Modeling Complex Systems: Taming the Complexity of Expert Models to Improve Decision Making. Gil, Y.; Garijo, D.; Khider, D.; Knoblock, C. A.; Ratnakar, V.; Osorio, M.; Vargas, H.; Pham, M.; Pujara, J.; Shbita, B.; Vu, B.; Chiang, Y.; Feldman, D.; Lin, Y.; Song, H.; Kumar, V.; Khandelwal, A.; Steinbach, M.; Tayal, K.; Xu, S.; Pierce, S. A.; Pearson, L.; Hardesty-Lewis, D.; Deelman, E.; Silva, R. F. D.; Mayani, R.; Kemanian, A. R.; Shi, Y.; Leonard, L.; Peckham, S.; Stoica, M.; Cobourn, K.; Zhang, Z.; Duffy, C.; and Shu, L. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 11(2). July 2021.
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COVID-19 Infodemiology at Planetary Scale: Charting the Information and Misinformation Landscape to Characterize Misinfodemics Spread on Social Media (Preprint). Chen, E.; Jiang, J.; Chang, H. H.; Muric, G.; and Ferrara, E. JMIR Infodemiology. jul 2021.
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Case Studies in Experiment Design on a minimega Based Network Emulation Testbed. Kocoloski, B.; Hussain, A.; Troglia, M.; Ardi, C.; Cheng, S.; DeAngelis, D.; Symonds, C.; Collins, M.; Goodfellow, R.; and Schwab, S. In Cyber Security Experimentation and Test Workshop, pages 83–90, 2021.
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45nm CMOS - Silicon Photonics Monolithic Technology (45CLO) for next-generation, low power and high speed optical interconnects. Rakowski, M.; Meagher, C.; Nummy, K.; Aboketaf, A.; Ayala, J.; Bian, Y.; Harris, B.; Mclean, K.; McStay, K.; Sahin, A.; Medina, L.; Peng, B.; Sowinski, Z.; Stricker, A.; Houghton, T.; Hedges, C.; Giewont, K.; Jacob, A.; Letavic, T.; Riggs, D.; Yu, A.; and Pellerin, J. In Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2020, 2020. Optical Society of America
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A Novel Metric to Evaluate In Situ Workflows. Do, T. M. A.; Pottier, L.; Thomas, S.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Cuendet, M. A.; Weinstein, H.; Estrada, T.; Taufer, M.; and Deelman, E. In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), pages 538–553, 2020. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1741040
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