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Re: node name
In the change log, I found this:
* [GN] Thursday, Jun 19 16:03:23 PDT 1997
Minor enhancement to scheduler to make debugging easier by using
the uid_ field of each event: positive uid_: inside the scheduling
queue negative uid_: NOT in the scheduling queue
Hope this helps?
At 09:48 PM 11/18/97 -0500, Shaogang Chen wrote:
>A quick question. The following is a fragment from scheduler.cc
>My question is why
> p->uid_ = - p->uid_;
>What does it mean?
>void ListScheduler::run()
> /*XXX*/
> instance_ = this;
> while (queue_ != 0 && !halted_) {
> //printf("got here, ");
> Event* p = queue_;
> queue_ = p->next_;
> clock_ = p->time_;
> //printf("clock_ %f, before p->uid_:%d,", clock_, p->uid_);
> p->uid_ = - p->uid_;
> //printf("after p->uid_:%d,", p->uid_);
> p->handler_->handle(p);
> //printf("queue%d, halted%d\n",queue_, halted_);
> }
>Email: [email protected] Address: 1285 E.E. Bldg., Box
>Web: http://yake.ecn.purdue.edu/~shaogang Purdue University
>Office: MSEE 292 Phone: (765) 496-1655 W. Lafayette, IN 47907