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Re: Setting link up & down in your agent code

> From: Cheng Lin TAN <[email protected]>
> Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 19:37:39 +0200

> thanks for the quick answer.  If that's case, does it mean that i have to call
> my agent in the test script as follows :
> $myagent BringDown at 0.2
> $myagent BringUp at 0.8

You are asking whether it is possible to code your agent to use the
route model APIs?  Certainly, yes.

> $ns rtmodel-at $time down $n0 $n1
> $ns rtmodel-at $time "puts \"in Link $n0 $n1 down\" "

However, the route model APIs only perform topology change
operations.  They are not a general form the `at' methods.
Look at the examples in the ~ns/tcl/ex directory for
suggestions on how to perofrm deferred executions in general.

I'd also very strongly recommend that you take a look at the ns 
ocumentation (http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/nsDoc.ps.gz);
although it is not up to date, it still has a lot of information
that might find useful.


[email protected]