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Re: Processing delay

> Hi. ns-users:
> I want to apply processing delay to an agent.
> Agent works like:
>   1. receive a packet
>   2. make new packets and send them
>   3. do nothing during processing delay
>   4. back to 1. (process next packet)
> I used Timer, but it causes a problem that the agent can receive a
> packet and send new packets before timeout.
> Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
> Thanks in advance.
	Hi Yukio

We think that you should take a look how the queue.cc and delay.cc work together. When you receive a packet, check if you are already processing a packet (block flag or something). If not blocked, block object and process packet, if blocked, put packet in queue for later processing.

When packet processed, release the object with a callback function.

This is just what Queue and LinkDelay does; all you have to do is to spawn new packets.

Hope this cleared some of your problems.

-johan & wesa