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help wanted with otcl1.0a3

  Dear Sir or Madam: 

    I am using otcl1.0a3 on my undergraduate senior thesis. I am working
on Linux with 
Tcl8.0p2 and Tk8.0p2. I got compiled with modifying otcl.c code as
suggested by ns 
webpage. However, I could not pass "make test" 

Here is the result when I run test.tcl"make test" 

castelo:~/otcl-1.0a3 > make test 
./otclsh lib/test.tcl 
PASSED objectdispatch 
PASSED paperexamples 
PASSED classcreate 
PASSED inheritance 
PASSED classdestroy 
PASSED objectinits 
PASSED objectvariables 
make: *** [test] Segmentation fault 

castelo:~/otcl-1.0a3 > otclsh 
% lappend auto_path . 
/usr/lib/tcl8.0 /usr/lib . 
% auto_load AutoTest3 
Segmentation fault 

Does anyone have any idea as to how to fix this? Any help would be highly


Hongxia Quan