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Re: help wanted with otcl1.0a3

On Fri, 19 Feb 1999 15:01:27 EST, Hongxia Quan wrote: 
>  Dear Sir or Madam: 
>    I am using otcl1.0a3 on my undergraduate senior thesis. I am working
>on Linux with 
>Tcl8.0p2 and Tk8.0p2. I got compiled with modifying otcl.c code as
>suggested by ns 
>webpage. However, I could not pass "make test" 
>Here is the result when I run test.tcl"make test" 
>castelo:~/otcl-1.0a3 > make test 
>./otclsh lib/test.tcl 
>PASSED objectdispatch 
>PASSED paperexamples 
>PASSED classcreate 
>PASSED inheritance 
>PASSED classdestroy 
>PASSED objectinits 
>PASSED objectvariables 
>make: *** [test] Segmentation fault 
>castelo:~/otcl-1.0a3 > otclsh 
>% lappend auto_path . 
>/usr/lib/tcl8.0 /usr/lib . 
>% auto_load AutoTest3 
>Segmentation fault 
>Does anyone have any idea as to how to fix this? Any help would be highly

I believe this issue is discussed in the mailing list archives...
this particular bug doesn't affect ns (since ns doesn't use
autoloading, the part that fails) so it's very low on our priority
list to fix.

I'll add it to ns-problems.html since it's a very reasonable question
to ask.

   -John Heidemann