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ns-2.1b5 and CMU mobility code

Hi all:

I downloaded and started playing with the CMU/Monarch contributed
mobile networking code.  (the new release v2.1b5). 
However, I have several problems. Being new to ns, I am not
sure how to debug it yet. But I am working on it. If 
you plan to use this code, please read on.  If you are from CMU/Monarch
please help.

Fisrt a comment:

1. The validation script provided is kind of meaningless.  It stops
   at time 10. But the first time any source starts sending is 
   around time 22. Also looks like the nodes do not move before
   time 600. So not much intereseting happens with the script 
   provided. So please increase stop time. 

Now the problems:

2. If you run with assertion on (w/o flag -DNDEBUG at complie),
   some assertions fail.

   In DSR: assert(cmnh->direction() == -1) fails in dsragent.cc
   If I comment it out, assert(initialized()) fails in wireless-phy.cc
   in function senddown.

   Both of these happens around the same sim time when the first traffic
   source becomes active. That's when DSR will send any packet. 

   In DSDV: same story ..
   assert(initialized()) fails in wireless-phy.cc in function senddown.
   This happens very early in simulation (may be time 0), probably at
   the time when DSDV starts sends route updates. 
