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Re: ns-2.1b5 and CMU mobility code
This problem has been fixed in the current ns-snaphot. The bug did not
hurt ns. You can compile w/o DEBUG or get new phy.cc from ns
> Now the problems:
> 2. If you run with assertion on (w/o flag -DNDEBUG at complie),
> some assertions fail.
> In DSR: assert(cmnh->direction() == -1) fails in dsragent.cc
> If I comment it out, assert(initialized()) fails in wireless-phy.cc
> in function senddown.
> Both of these happens around the same sim time when the first traffic
> source becomes active. That's when DSR will send any packet.
> In DSDV: same story ..
> assert(initialized()) fails in wireless-phy.cc in function senddown.
> This happens very early in simulation (may be time 0), probably at
> the time when DSDV starts sends route updates.
> Samir