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Re: Tarball error in ns-wireless snapshot

	Hi, Colleagues!

> andree@proj4 ~ >gunzip ns-src-wireless-ver.tar.gz 

> gunzip: ns-src-wireless-ver.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated
> Exit 1

> > >http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/dist/vint/ns-src-wireless-ver.tar.gz

	I've found out that this file (size 16011308 bytes) is
	damaged (it's shorter than it should be). So, new tarball
	would be great!

	The simpliest way to see the "effect":

	$ tar ztvf ns-src-wireless-ver.tar.gz

	and wait a bit. (tar should understand z-option, like gnu-tar).

	This problem does not exist with ns-src-wireless-ver-old.tar.gz
	(size 15744097 bytes).

	Best, Mak.

Maksim N. Stolyarov  -> [email protected] <-     |  http://td.lpi.ac.ru/~mns/ 
   Theoretical Physics Department         |  http://valeria.lpi.ac.ru 
  Lebedev Physical Institute,  RAS        |            _%%_ 
Leninskii 53, 117924, Moscow, Russia      |            (..)