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[ns] a binding problem?
Hi ,
i have done a new agent and evry thing goes well.
I have done a declaration in the constructor of my agent were i have
bound 2 classic varaibles :
bind("packet_Size", &size_)
i change the value of size_ in the C++ command() function ans recv()
function but when i visualize the simulation on nam i have been
surprised that the two primar packet take the value of the default one
declared on "ns-default.tcl". I don't know how.
What I know is when we bind two variables they take the same value on
the same time. so when i change the size_ variable in the c++ code it
will change immediately the tcl variable packet_Size_ or not.
I need help
Thank you
Koubaa Anis
Organization : LORIA Nancy
Equipe : RESEDAS
Adresse : CU Haute Malgrange Vandeoeuvre Nancy Bloc C 528
Mail : [email protected]
Projet : Comparaison des Protocoles de cl�s de distribution de cl� de
groupe en utilisant NS