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Re: [ns] RE: TCP algorithm

Bryan -

>Where can i get the algorithm of of TCP new reno, Vegas and new Tahoe and
>etc. i would like port it to nist atm simulator. Pls advise.

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer. 
You can look at the following:

* The NS manual.

* The validation test suites. 

* The documentation that accompanies some of the validation tests,
  pointed-to on the web page at

* The NS code.

* The papers about NewReno, available from

  Fall, K., and Floyd, S., Simulation-based Comparisons of Tahoe, Reno,
  and SACK TCP, Computer Communication Review, V. 26 N. 3, July 1996,
  pp. 5-21. 

  Floyd, S., and Henderson, T., The NewReno Modification to TCP's Fast
  Recovery Algorithm., RFC 2582, Experimental, April 1999. 
* The talks about NewReno, available from 

  Revisions to RFC 2001, August 1998. 

* For documentation about Vegas, other than the code and very brief
  validations in the NS simulator, you will have to look around a
  little for the relevant documents.

- Sally