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[ns] Is DV's count to infinity implemented?

i am reading 
Agent/rtProto/DV instproc compute-routes

It seems that no action is taken in case the metric
for a certain destination gets worse:
changes are made only if it gets infinity 

if {$mt >= $INFINITY} {
	    set mt $UNREACH

or if a better one is found 

if { $pf < $rtpref_($dst) || $mt < $metric_($dst) } {
	    set rtpref_($dst) $pf
	    set metric_($dst) $mt
	    set nextHop_($dst) ""
	    set nextHopPeer_($dst) ""
	    foreach n [array names nh] {
		lappend nextHop_($dst) $n
		lappend nextHopPeer_($dst) $nh($n)
		if !$multiPath_ break;

That would explain why i can't find any trace of
"count to infinity" in simulations where a link goes

Can somebody tell me if i am right or point out what i
am missing ?

Thanks a lot.

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