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[ns] ns in linux7.2 Susi

Dear ns users, I've downloaded ns-allinone-2.1b8a
today and installed in my Susi Linux 7.2 version. I
created a .cshrc file in the same directory where I
have ns and set the environment variables in that file
and then I ran the validate but 5 tests (Mcast-PBtr,
Mcast-PBPtr, Mcast-PBUtr, ttl-PBtr, ottl-PBtr) have
been failed. now I'm trying with the examples to check
whether nam is working or not by giving the command ns
example1a.tcl in the directory
ns/ns-allinone-2.1b8a/ns-tutorial/examples but it's
saying that bash: ns: command not found. I think the
problem is with setting the environment path variable.
I'm not familiar with linux. cud any one help me in
setting the path variable in linux. thanx in advance.

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