Call for Papers

The 5th Workshop on

Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science

 in conjunction with SC�10

New Orleans, LA

November 14, 2010


Submission deadline extended : 12th September

Scientific workflows are a key technology that enables large-scale computations and service management on distributed resources. Workflows enable scientists to design complex analysis that are composed of individual application components or services and often such components and services are designed, developed, and tested collaboratively.

The size of the data and the complexity of the analysis often lead to large amounts of shared resources, such as clusters and storage systems, being used to store the data sets and execute the workflows. The process of workflow design and execution in a distributed environment can be very complex and can involve multiple stages including their textual or graphical specification, the mapping of the high-level workflow descriptions onto the available resources, as well as monitoring and debugging of the subsequent execution.  Further, since computations and data access operations are performed on shared resources, there is an increased interest in managing the fair allocation and management of those resources at the workflow level.

Large-scale scientific applications pose several requirements on the workflow systems.  Besides the magnitude of data processed by the workflow components, the  intermediate and resulting data needs to be annotated with provenance and other information to evaluate the quality of the data and support the repeatability of the analysis. Further, adequate workflow descriptions are needed to support the complex workflow management process which includes workflow creation, workflow reuse, and modifications made to the workflow over time—for example modifications to the individual workflow components. Additional workflow annotations may provide guidelines and requirements for resource mapping and execution.

The Fifth Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science focuses on the entire workflow lifecycle including the workflow composition, mapping, robust execution and the recording of provenance information.  The workshop also welcomes contributions in the applications area, where the requirements on the workflow management systems can be derived. Special attention will be paid to Bio-Computing applications which are the theme for SC10. The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:

  • Workflow applications and their requirements with special emphasis on Bio-Computing applications.
  • Workflow composition, tools and languages.
  • Workflow user environments, including portals.
  • Workflow refinement tools that can manage the workflow mapping process.
  • Workflow execution in distributed environments.
  • Workflow fault-tolerance and recovery techniques.
  • Data-driven workflow processing.
  • Adaptive workflows.
  • Workflow monitoring.
  • Workflow optimizations.
  • Performance analysis of workflows
  • Workflow debugging.
  • Workflow provenance.
  • Interactive workflows.
  • Workflow interoperability
  • Mashups and workflows
  • Workflows on the cloud.


Important Dates:
Papers due September 12, 2010
Notifications of acceptance September 30, 2010
Final papers due October 8, 2010

We will accept both short (6pages) and long (10 page) papers. The papers should be in IEEE format.

To submit the papers, please submit to EasyChair at

If you have questions, please email [email protected]