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[ns] Use of QueueMonitor Object
Hi NS Users,
I get confused about how to explicitly install and configure QueueMonitor
into simulation topology. I have searched through the Mail Archives and
read the Manual but don't get answer to my questions.
For example consider the following command;
$ns monitor-queue <n1> <n2> <qtrace> <optional: sampleinterval>
What is qtrace? How do you explicitly install/configure it into a link or
recv agent in a node?
I understand that the command above return a handle to the object that can
be queried to determone queue statistics. And I understand that the object
that can be queried is QueueMonitor or its class derivatives.
My problem is that I need three QueueMonitors for three links. Using the
command above, how do I explicitly install QueueMonitor object into the
link in order to make use of its parrivals_ barrivals State Variables.
Titus Awotula, MSc AMIEE
Dept. of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
Loughborough University
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