
Session 1 (Chair: Daniel Katz)

01:30 � 01:35 Welcome
01:35 � 02:00 WS-PGRADE: Supporting parameter sweep applications in workflows : Peter Kacsuk, Krisztian Karoczkai, Gabor Hermann, Jozsef Kovacs, Gergely Sipos slides
02:00 � 02:25 A Chemical Workflow Engine to Support Scientific Workflows with Dynamicity Support : Manuel Caeiro, Zsolt Nemeth, Thierry Priol slides
02:25 � 02:50 CASJobs: A Workflow Environment Designed for Large Scientific Catalogs : Nolan Li, Alex Szalay slides
02:50 – 03:15 Characterization of Scientific Workflows : Shishir Bharathi, Ann Chervenak, Ewa Deelman, Gaurang Mehta, Mei-Hui Su, Karan Vahi slides

03:15 � 03:25 Break

Session 2 (Chair: Peter Kacsuk )

03:25 � 03:50 Monitoring Infrastructure for Grid Scientific Workflows: Bartosz Balis and Marian Bubak slides
03:50 � 04:15 Advanced QoS Methods for Grid Workflows Based on Meta-Negotiations and SLA-Mappings : Ivona Brandic, Dejan Music, Schahram Dustdar, Srikumar Venugopal, Rajkumar Buyya slides
04:15 – 04:40 Pegasus on Virtual Grid: A Case Study of Workflow Planning over Captive Resources : Yang-Suk Kee, Ewa Deelman, Karan Vahi, Eunkyu Byun, Jin-Soo Kim slides
04:40 – 05:05 A Semantic Workflow Mechanism to Realize Experimental Goals and Constraints : Edoardo Pignotti, Peter Edwards, Gary Polhill, Nick Gotts, Alun Preece slides
05:05 – 05:30 A General and Scalable Solution for Heterogeneous Workflow Invocation and Nesting : Tamas Kukla, Tamas Kiss, Peter Kacsuk, and Gabor Terstyanszky slides

5:30 Closing